227 research outputs found

    Optimization of Clostridium tyrobutyricum encapsulation by extrusion method and characterization of the formulation

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    Purpose: To optimize the process parameters for the encapsulation of Clostridium tyrobutyricum (Ct) and to determine its in vitro characteristics.Methods: The process parameters, including the concentration of the wall and hardening material, Ct to gelatin ratio and hardening time, were studied by single factor analysis, while optimization was performed by orthogonal experimental design for the encapsulation rate of Ct.Results: Optimal conditions exhibited by orthogonal experimental design at a 92.17 % encapsulation rate with a viable count of 9.61 ± 0.06 lgCFU/g were: 6 % modified starch, 3 % sodium alginate, and 2 % CaCl2 at a Ct to gelatin ratio of 1:1 with a hardening time of 30 min. The survival rates of encapsulated Ct were higher than free Ct in simulated gastric (6.22 %) and intestinal juices (15.55 %). Reduction in viable counts of Ct at 90 °C were higher for free cells (44.76 %) than encapsulated cells (28.09 %) after 30 min of heat treatment. Correspondingly, encapsulation boosted the capacity of Ct to withstand the strong acidic conditions of the stomach and improved the storage properties of Ct.Conclusion: The results suggested that extrusion is a good technique for the encapsulation of Ct, as it enhances the viability of Ct during their transit through the gastrointestinal tract. Furthermore, encapsulation is favorable for Ct if planned for use in formulations where high temperature treatment is required

    Engineering medium-range order and polyamorphism in a nanostructured amorphous alloy

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    Like crystalline materials, the properties of amorphous materials can be tailored by tuning the local atomic-to-nanoscale structural configurations. Polyamorphism is evident by the coexistence of kinetically stabilized amorphous structures with tailorable short-to-medium-range orders, providing a viable means to engineer the degree of local order and heterogeneity. Here, we report experimental evidence of the coexistence of liquid-like and solid-like amorphous phases in a Ni82_{82}P18_{18} amorphous alloy with enhanced thermal stability and plasticity prepared by pulsed electrodeposition. The two amorphous phases, of comparable volume fraction of ~50% each, have similar short-range order but are distinguished by packing at the medium-range length scale (>6 Å). Upon heating, a structure crossover at ~450 K was observed, where the liquid-like structure transforms to the solid-like structure, as evidenced by the enthalpy release and an anomalous contraction of atomic structure over the medium-range length scale, due to the metastable nature of the liquid-like structure

    Prospektywne, trwające 6 miesięcy badanie poświęcone ocenie skuteczności i bezpieczeństwa stosowania walproinianu o przedłużonym uwalnianiu oraz jakości życia chorych na padaczkę stosujących ten lek

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    Celem tego prospektywnego, wieloośrodkowego badania, przeprowadzonego metodą otwartej próby, była ocena skuteczności i bezpieczeństwa stosowania walproinianu o przedłużonym uwalnianiu(ER, extender-release) oraz jego wpływu na jakość życia u chorych na padaczkę. Do badania włączono osoby z potwierdzonym rozpoznaniem padaczki. Uczestnikom przez 6 miesięcy podawano walproinian ER jako pierwszy lek w monoterapii lub w połączeniu z dotychczas stosowanym lekiem. Ocenę skuteczności i bezpieczeństwa leczenia przeprowadzono po 1 (V1), 3 (V3) i 6 miesiącach (V6) od rozpoczęcia badania. Do oceny jakości życia przed terapią i po 6 miesiącach leczenia użyto kwestionariusza QOLIE-31. W analizie uwzględniono 958 chorych na padaczkę. Wyjściowa częstość napadów padaczkowych wynosiła 8,56 na miesiąc. Średnia dawka podtrzymująca walproinianu ER wynosiła 750 mg na dobę. Liczba napadów padaczkowych w miesiącu, oszacowana podczas ostatniej wizyty, zmniejszyła się o 88,3% w stosunku do wartości wyjściowych. Nastąpiła poprawa jakości życia w zakresie następujących kategorii: &#8222;obawa przed napadami&#8221; (p = 0,000), &#8222;ogólna jakość życia&#8221; (p = 0,000), &#8222;funkcjonowanie społeczne&#8221; (p < 0,01) i &#8222;pytanie 31.&#8221; (ocena ogólnego stanu zdrowia) (p = 0,000). Odnotowano pogorszenie w zakresie aktywności życiowej (p = 0,000). We wczesnej fazie leczenia najczęstszymi działaniami niepożądanymi były suchość w jamie ustnej, zawroty głowy i jadłowstręt. Po 6 miesiącach pacjenci najczęściej skarżyli się na zwiększenie masy ciała, łysienie plackowate i drżenie. Wyniki badania dowodzą, że stosowanie walproinianu ER w monoterapii lub w terapii skojarzonej przez 6 miesięcy wiąże się z istotnie większym procentowym ograniczeniem częstości wszystkich rodzajów napadów w stosunku do wartości wyjściowych i z istotnie większym odsetkiem odpowiedzi na leczenie oraz odsetkiem chorych bez napadów. Ponadto terapia była dobrze tolerowana przez chorych i powodowała poprawę jakości życia. Polski Przegląd Neurologiczny 2010; 6 (4): 212&#8211;21

    Toxicologic effects of gold nanoparticles in vivo by different administration routes

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    Gold nanoparticles have potential applications in biomedicine, but one of the important concerns is about their safety. Most toxicology data are derived from in vitro studies and may not reflect in vivo responses. Here, an animal toxicity study of 13.5 nm gold nanoparticles in mice is presented. Animal survival, weight, hematology, morphology, and organ index are characterized at different concentrations (137.5–2200 μg/kg) over 14–28 days. The results show that low concentrations of gold nanoparticles do not cause an obvious decrease in body weight or appreciable toxicity, even after their breakdown in vivo. High concentrations of gold nanoparticles induced decreases in body weight, red blood cells, and hematocrit. It was also found that gold nanoparticles administered orally caused significant decreases in body weight, spleen index, and red blood cells. Of the three administration routes, the oral and intraperitoneal routes showed the highest toxicity, and the tail vein injection showed the lowest toxicity. Combining the results of all of these studies, we suggest that targeted gold nanopartices by tail vein injection may be suitable for enhancement of radiotherapy, photothermal therapy, and related medical diagnostic procedures

    Transcriptome profile of halofuginone resistant and sensitive strains of Eimeria tenella

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    The antiparasitic drug halofuginone is important for controlling apicomplexan parasites. However, the occurrence of halofuginone resistance is a major obstacle for it to the treatment of apicomplexan parasites. Current studies have identified the molecular marker and drug resistance mechanisms of halofuginone in Plasmodium falciparum. In this study, we tried to use transcriptomic data to explore resistance mechanisms of halofuginone in apicomplexan parasites of the genus Eimeria (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae). After halofuginone treatment of E. tenella parasites, transcriptome analysis was performed using samples derived from both resistant and sensitive strains. In the sensitive group, DEGs associated with enzymes were significantly downregulated, whereas the DNA damaging process was upregulated after halofuginone treatment, revealing the mechanism of halofuginone-induced parasite death. In addition, 1,325 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were detected between halofuginone resistant and sensitive strains, and the DEGs related to translation were significantly downregulated after halofuginone induction. Overall, our results provide a gene expression profile for further studies on the mechanism of halofuginone resistance in E. tenella